
Acquisitions for the library and the hospital, letter of gratitude by Dr. med. Fritz Kagerer.
Documents by courtesy of © Yair Grinberg, New Preston

The patient lists preserved by the ITS show until the end of May 1946 a number of 3792 cases which means the same number of patients (the patients were given the same number when they returned to the hospital which happened frequently). After May 1946, it seems that this number system was no longer used. However, the weekly patient lists which started now and lasted until May 1948 give a total number of 2720 additional patients. This means that in total the hospital treated around 6113 patients.

A first list of patients (602 persons) comes from June 1945: Patients list 1945
If you want to access other lists, for reasons of data protection you must log in at the ITS Bad Arolsen.


Jewish doctors
Berman, Dr. Zalman, born 18.10.1888 in Zarasai, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Branntwein (Brandwein), Dr. Simon, born 23.8.1911 in Dniepropietrowsk, emigrated in September 1946 to USA (accompanied by wife Ruth and daughter Ilona)
Grinberg, Dr. Zalman, born 4.9.1912 in Schaulen, emigrated in July 1946 to Palestina, died 8.8.1983 in New York
Goldman, Dr. Abraham, born 26.6.1897 in Lublin
Ipp, Dr. Chaim, born 28.10.1911 in Vilnius
Kaplan-Molk, Dr. Riwa, born 27.11.1907 in Kovno, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Kartagener, Dr. Simon, born 24.9.1909 in Przemysl
Katz, Dr. Nochum, born 31.3.1910 in Kovno
Kaufman, Dr. Jakob, born 2.1.1903 in Kovno
Kolodner, Dr. Berko, born 10.3.1893 in Krynki, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Lurje, Dr. Moses/Misha, born 27.12.1901 in Joniski, died 1996 in Tel Aviv
Rabinowitsch, Dr. Fesach, born 18.3.1893 in Ligum
Richman, Dr. David, born 29.3.1907 in Kovno, moved in November 1946 to Munich
Viducinski, Dr. Isak, Chief Medical Officer for the Womens‘ Department, born 7.8.1909 in Kovno, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Windzberg, Dr. Wolf, born 15.7.1904 in Ludwinowo, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen

Jewish nurses and personnel
Abramowitz, Wolf, born 2.2.1912 in Poniewiez, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Aleksandrowitz, Oscher, born 1.9.1905 in Wilkowiskis
Anolik, Benzion (Benzijon), born 16.10.1919 in Kovno, moved in September 1946 to Munich
Arons, Luba, born 3.9.1920 in Vilnius
Ars, David, born 15.8.1918 in Kalac, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Ars, Frieda, born 15.8.1919 in Memel
Atlas, Jakob, born 15.1.1902 in Kovno, moved in November 1946 to Munich
Barkowsky, Genia, born 20.1.1889 in New York, emigrated in September 1946 to USA
Beder, Abraham, born 13.6.1928 in Kovno
Beizen, Chana, born 10.12.1922 in Memel, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Beizen, Jankiel, born 6.6.1920 in Przemysl
Berkman, Bluma, born 5.10.1920 in Kovno, emigrated in August 1946 to Palestine
Berkman, Judith, born 10.10.1927 in Holszany, emigrated in November 1946 to USA
Berlinska, Stefa, born 30.5.1920 in Lodz
Bidlis, Aranka, born 10.9.1921, moved in November 1946 to unknown
Blattmann, Noe, born 16.10.1919 in Grojec
Blechman, Rachela, born 18.4.1922 in Vilnius, moved in February 1947 to Landsberg
Bloch, Jochel Leib, born 14.8.1917 in Vilnius, emigrated in October 1946 to UNNRA (?)
Bloch, Liza, born 9.5.1913 in Wilna, started work in October 1946, moved in February 1947 to unknown
Bukanc, Isak, born 15.4.1912 in Kovno, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Burstein, Safia, born 15.12.1922 in Kovno
Buschkanetz, Abram, born 10.6.1896 in Swieciany
Calelson, Berl, born 11.3.1922 in Riga
Chaimovitz, Chaja, born 19.11.1910 in Wizuonos
Chmielewski, Leizer (Leon), born 15.12.1925 in Kielze, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Chraschenischok, Icik, born 1.12.1904 in Vilnius
Czudnowski, Piotr, born 14.8.1901 in Warsaw
Davidowitsch, Iti, born 6.7.1925 in Pasto
Dunja, Mordche, born 26.9.1901 in Siauliai
Dunje, Abraham, born 20.10.1906 in Siauliai, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Eidlis, Lenke, born 16.3.1923 in Pacin, moved in May 1946 to Munich
Eidlis, Rosi, born 21.2.1926 in Pacin, moved in May 1946 to Munich
Eisler, Heinrich, born 26.4.1900 in Porosko, emigrated in February 1947 to USA
Feinkind, Sabine, born 15.11.1926 in Garwalin, emigrated in September 1946 to France
Felman, Michael, born 15.11.1911 in Kovno
Fin, Monia, born 6.11.1913 in Vilnius
Friedman, Mischa, born 5.10.1918 in Russia, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Gempel, Berl, born 5.1.1919 in Kovno
Gerschonowitz, Abram, born 9.10.1925 in Lodz
Gingold-Gelbrom, Sara, born 2.11.1916 in Warsaw
Gitelson-Pumpianska, Fania, born 29.5.1911 in Vilnius, emigrated in August 1946 to Palestine
Glasroth, Josef, born 1.3.1905 in Warsaw
Glass, Hirsch, born 15.2.1911 in Subosius, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Glatt, Salomon, born 21.7.1899 in Taurogen, moved in December 1946 to Munich
Glik, Cilla, born 15.1.1906 in Wirbalis
Glik, Nochum, born 14.6.1906 in Krazia
Goetz, Edith, born 4.10.1926 in Memel
Gold, Naum, born 28.9.1899 in Varnias, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Goldberg, Berl (Josef), born 7.11.1903 in Kovno, moved in September 1946 to unknown
Goldscheider, Sara, born 6.2.1920 in Szydlowiec, worked in the pharmacy and married Chaim-Josif Levinson, emigrated in March 1948 to South Africa
Gordon, Max, born 17.7.1915 in Wilno, started work in September 1947 (accompanied by Nachama Gordon, born 5.4.1921 in Kibartai), moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Gotz, Julius, born 30.8.1891 in Siauliai
Grinholz, Adela, born 1.1.1924 in Vilnius, emigrated in February 1947 to USA
Grosman, Chana, born 7.7.1909 in Kedainiai
Gudinski, Kopel, born 15.6.1907 in Mariampole
Gurwitz (Gurwitsch), Anna, born 5.1.1921 in Kovno, moved in June 1946 to Munich
Guterman, Abraham, born 22.2.1923 in Zamoscz
Gutfreund, Idel, born 13.12.1912 in Tschenstochau
Gutfreund, Majloch, born 11.4.1918 in Praschka
Hamerschlag, Ester, born 13.1.1919 in Drohobycz
Isak, Moses (Maurice), born 20(21).1.1897 in Siauliai, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Jadlowkier, Rebekka, born 29.3.1926 in Vilnius, emigrated in August 1946 to Palestine
Januschauska (Janusauskas), Matas, born 7.5.1910 in Alytus, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Jawnolowicz, Johna, born 14.6.1900 in Kovno, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Jontef, Dora, born 24.11.1907 in Minsk, started work in December 1946, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Kahn, Chana, born 7.6.1921 in Vilnius, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Kleinhändler, Hersch, born 21.9.1913 in Sandomierz, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Königstein, Max, born 25.1.1914 in Minsk, started work in February 1947
Kotler, Bela, born 29.10.1915 in Riga, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Krutowsky, Szymon, born 17.10.1909 in Dubne, started work in October 1947 (together with family members Anna and Berta), moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Krys, Meer (Meyer), born 19.4.1913 in Piotrkow, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Lehrer, Bernhard, born 17.4.1908 in Lemberg
Leibowitz, Abrascha, born 29.12.1910 in Telsiai, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Leibowitz, Cwi, born 13.11.1919 in Nasielsk, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Lenson, Salomon, born 23.8.1908 in Siauliai, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Levinson, Abram, born 22.2.1900 in Siauliai
Levinson, Chaim-Josif, born 19.4.1899 in Plunge, head of the pharmacy, emigrated in March 1948 to South Africa
Levinson, Pera, born 25.12.1900 in Tolsiai, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Lewy, Rachel, born 19.5.1905 in Joniski
Lieberman, Eva, born 26.3.1910 in Vilnius
Lubetzki, Sohnaria, born 17.10.1899 in Olita
Lurie, Frieda, born 23.3.1913 in Riga, moved in June 1946 to Munich
Lurie, Herman, born 13.10.1908 in Memel
Malinker, Rachmiel, born 27.5.1917 in Poltawa, emigrated in December 1947 to Sweden (together with family members Ida and Merry)
Malkiel, Simon, born 16.5.1911 in Königsberg, moved in July 1946 to Schondorf
Markus, Wolf, born 16.8.1911 in Lomza, moved in September 1946 to Weilheim
Matematik, Mira, born 15.5.1916 in Siauliai
Matuk, Icik, born 7.7.1905 in Kovno, moved in December 1946 to Brazil (together with wife Basia)
Meilup, Mischa, born 20.3.1911 in Vilnius
Michles, Dora, born 1.11.1908 in Kovno
Michles, Israel, born 9.6.1906 in Kovno, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Milejkowska, Lilly, born 11.7.1925 in Warsaw, started work in October 1946
Mudrik, Mischa, born 29.9.1908 in Kovno
Mudrik, Pola, born 1.5.1929 in Kovno
Mudrik, Schloma, born 5.7.1910 in Kovno, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Nachmann, Ruth, born 13.10.1900 in Berlin, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Nementschik, Isak (Izaak), born 25.4.1907 in Ukmergo, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Niderberg (Niederberg), Siulem (Sziulem), born 8.12.1924 in Piaski, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Ovschinski, Lea, born 31.12.1918 in Vilnius
Petrower, Schija, born 5.5.1900 in Przemisl, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Rabinowitsch, Mejer, born 10.7.1912 in Königsberg
Rabinowitz, Majer, born 10.7.1912, moved in December 1946 to Munich (together with wife Riwa and daughter Nechama)
Robinson, Gita, born 8.5.1921 in Libau
Raines, Zachar, born 24.1.1890
Rimer, Abe, born 15.8.1911 in Zawasiai
Romm, Pnina, born 22.4.1919 in Kovno
Rosenblium, Jakob, born 10.3.1901 in Lodz
Rostker, Lea, born 31.12.1918 in Poland, moved in May 1948 to Diessen am Ammersee
Rubinstein, Chaim, born 26.1.1900 in Bialistok, emigrated in November 1946 to USA
Rubinstein, Dawid, born 14.5.1930 in Bialistok, emigrated in November 1946 to USA
Rute, Meilach, born 28.3.1898 in Warsaw
Sack, Casia, born 19.5.1895 in Kovno, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Sal, Aron, born 27.5.1927 in Siauliai, moved in September 1946 to Munich
Sal, Faiwe, born 25.3.1924 in Siauliai, moved in September 1946 to Munich
Sal, Jojne, born 15.5.1898 in Siauliai
Samsonowicz, Chaja, 25.12.1912 in Poland, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Saperstein, Juda, born 15.5.1907 in Bialistok, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Schalit, Gershon, born 24.11.1906 in Baialistok
Schalit-Sobolewitz, Sara, born 15.6.1915, moved in October 1946 to Munich
Schapiro, Chana, born 8.7.1904 in Kovno, moved in December 1946 to Munich
Scherman, Davin, born 10.2.1928 in Kielce
Scherman, Meyer, born 3.5.1909 in Biale Brzegi
Schinder, Mischa, born 25.3.1919 in Turne, emigrated in July 1946 to Palestine
Schlapoberski, Chana, born 28.2.1911 in Vilnius, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Schmulewitz, Jeremias, born 3.1.1946 in Nowogrudek, started work in November 1946, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Schwarz, Hinda, born 1.8.1917 in Grodno
Segal, Simon, born 3.12.1924 in Kovno, emigrated in August 1946 to USA
Selowski, Manfred, born 17.6.1920 in Berlin, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Slowa, Rachel, born 15.5.1920 in Vilnius, moved in July 1946 to Munich
Skrebinsikin, Sara, born 17.1.1921 in Ponewesch
Sobelewitz, Sonia, born 15.4.1920 in Bialistok
Spiegel, Nathan, born 2.6.1915 in Lodz, started work in March 1947, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Stanke, Juda Leib, born 12.5.1910, moved in October 1946 to unknown
Swierczewski, Natan, born 1.6.1902 in Tschenstochau
Teperman, Leib, born 6.6.1908 in Klimentow
Viducinski, Braina, born 13.9.1911 in Pasvalis (wife of Dr. Viducinski)
Waisbraut, Riwa, born 29.12.1899 in Ukmerge, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Werschawski, Batia, born 1.3.1916 in Siauliai
Werschbolowski, David, born 12.7.1912 in Naumiestis, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Wiener, Abraham, born 18.5.1908 in Sulmierzitsze, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Wiezner-Heckerling, Irena, born 3.5.1925 in Lodz
Wiker, Marek, born 7.8.1911 in Vilnius, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Wilentschuk, Anatol, born 1906 in Kovno
Wilentschuk, Dawid, born 19.7.1900 in Kovno
Wilentschuk, Gedalia, born 31.12.1896 in Kovno
Wolow, Mejer, born 25.2.1900 in Siauliai
Wornian, Jakob, born 4.5.1925 in Vilnius, moved in October 1946 to unknown
Wyszynski, Josef, born 17.12.1916 (17.10.1910) in Sieradz, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Zloto, Lowok (Levek), born 21.11.1915 in Kielze, emigrated in February 1947 to USA

Jewish Rabbi (counted as part of the personnel)
Snieg, Samuel, born 28.12.1899 in Rokiskis, moved in August 1946 to Munich
Rapeika, Simon (Szymon), born 12.6.1915 in Joswainiai (lived in St. Ottilien together with wife Techa Rapeika-Grinberg and daughter Chaja Miriam), moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen

Jewish DP Police
Braun, Josef, born 7.5.1925 in Grybor, moved in December 1946 to Poland
Brenner, Dawid, born 12.12.1917 in Kovno, started work in January 1947
Buschkanetz, Israel, born 17.5.1922 in Kovno, moved in September 1946 to Gauting
Fink, Leopold, born 13.9.1925 in Krakow, emigrated in August 1946 to Palestine
Fluek (?), Chaim, born 3.10.1918 in Tarnograd, started work in January 1946
Goldin, Jakob, born 19.4.1905 in Kedainiai, moved in August 1946 to Munich
Goldsammler, Moses, born 29.4.1913 in Warsaw, started work in December 1946, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Gopstein, Leib, born 3.9.1929 in Vilnius, emigrated in July 1946 to USA
Jacks, Willi, born 22.3.1925, moved in July 1946 to unknown
Janucek, Dr. Emil Josef, born 31.12.1914 in Humeno, moved in February 1947 to unknown
Josel, Isak, born 15.3.1912 in Bukosko, started work in January 1947
Kac, Basia, born 20.5.1904 in Breslau, started work in August 1946
Kac, Meier, born 24.4.1896 in Breslau, started work in August 1946
Kowarski, Elias, born 20.4.1924 in Svencian, started work in December 1946
Kowarski, Lazar, born 23.8.1923 in Vilnius, moved in November 1946 to unknown
Kritzstein, Josef, born 18.9.1911 in Breszane, started work in December 1946
Liebman, Akiwa, born 7.8.1911 in Wilna, started work in December 1946, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Lipschitz, Isak, born 10.7.1920 in Lodz, moved in August 1946 to unknown
Lubetzki, Miron, born 11.8.1930 in Riga, moved in January 1947 to Frankfurt
Lurie, Max, born 14.4.1919 in Memel, emigrated in February 1947 to USA (together with family members Jetta, Estie and Debora)
Man, Chaim, born 12.3.1913 in Kassel, emigrated in September 1946 to USA
Melamed, Michel, born 2.10.1918 in Kovno, emigrated in August 1946 to Palestine
Nadel, Hersch, born 20.6.1906 in Lodz, moved in September 1946 to Ulm
Rosenfeld, Zalmen, born 5.8.1920, emigrated in August 1946 to Palestine
Sawicki, Abram, born 11.1.1922 in Tomazsow, moved in May 1948 to Bad Wörishofen
Schachnowski, Leon, born 4.4.1907 in Kovno, moved in September 1946 to Fürth
Schulkin, Georg, born 14.10.1917 in Libau, started work in August 1946
Straus, Heinrich, born 16.5.1922 in Przemysl, moved in September 1946 to unknown
Sztanke, Binem, born 17.8.1918 in Lubjen, moved in September 1946 to unknown
Tarlowski, Jankel, born 12.12.1916 in Ostrowiec, emigrated in August 1946 to Palestine
Zelig, Richard, born 2.4.1910 in Kretinga, moved in September 1946 to Weilheim

German doctors
Kagerer, Dr. Fritz
Kaiser, Dr. Hanns, born 13.6.1921 in Lindau, died 2012, worked in the DP Hospital from May 1, 1945, to June 15, 1946. See article in Wikipedia
Kubierschky, Dr. Heinz, born 1894, died 1965, worked in the DP Hospital from May 1, 1945, to summer 1946